Every Dota 2 lover enjoys playing invoker and loves him. Especially professional players. You can only boost your MMR by playing invoker at mid. With it, it's possible to climb your MMR. Players at every rank or medal enjoy invoker. This invoker guide contains tips and tricks for beginners to advanced-level skilled players along with combos.
Invoker is a ranged intelligence hero that is extremely difficult to play correctly. But in the right hands, he can be the most deadly hero on the map, easily snowballing the mid-game single-handedly. The invoker has 10 spells, and every spell is powerful. Review this invoker guide from the start so you will know the mechanics of the hero.
He is very demanding in mechanical skills, Quick reactions and general Dota game knowledge. An invoker can make your team fight strongly because of his 10 spells.
If you are a newbie and want to learn invoker, you must first remember how to make his spells.
There are two ways to play invoker:
Quas Wex Invoker
Quas Exort Invoker
As a beginner, you should start with the Quas Wex invoker build because it's much easier than Quas Exort build.
The invoker is a mid-lane hero. The complexity of the hero is high.
Invoker's hero ability mechanics requires a high degree of skill, coordination, and timing to execute.
Invoker itemization is very situational, you have to itemize accordingly to the game, and enemy hero picks. Some core items on invoker that you can make in almost every game are Midas, Boots of Travel, BKB, Scythe of Vyse and Refresher Orb. Just keep invoker guide in your mind before selecting your items.
With Scythe of Vyse and Refresher orb, you can kill any hero on the map with invoker because you can 2 times hex the enemy hero and cast your combo 2 times.
It's a lot of damage, and it's a confirmed kill. If your team has disabled like Magnus RP, Tide Ravage or Faceless Void Chrono, you can straight go Aghanim's Scepter to see cataclysm in their ultimate's. All will die.
Invoker Tips for Beginners:
As a beginner on invoker, always stay behind your team and cast spells. You can give alacrity to your carry so he can hit faster and do more damage. It's like a double-damage rune. This invoker guide is perfect for beginners and is designed to be easy to understand.
Only rotate in other lanes once you have your Midas. If the enemy is diving into the tower, you TP into that lane and help.
You have to make your spell-making reaction time fast so you can quickly make your spells and cast combo on the enemy.
Play Quas Wex Invoker build since it's much more accessible than Exort build, all you have to do is cast 3 spells only, and you will most probably win the game.
Invoker Tips & Tricks for Advance Skilled Players:
Always look for Sunstrike on the map and tell your teammates to let you know if they need Sunstrike in their lane. skilled players can also get befits from this invoker's guide.
Focus on your farm as much as possible; you can help your team by doing Sunstrike if they need it. Rotate only when required.
Always go in Ghost walk to gank anywhere. It will make you move faster and have less chance of the enemy seeing you coming.
Always farm on the other side of your carry since you want to avoid taking it fast and making him suffer later.
Invoker Combos:

Invoker Counters:

Use your tornado carefully because you don't want to mess up your team fight, for example, using a tornado while your enemies are in the chromosphere or ravage.
If you have a greedy carry in your team, try to avoid playing the exort build because you will also need so much farm, and your carry won't have any space to farm.
Play Exort build only when your team has enough lockdown for the enemy so you can freely cast your spells on them.
Always deny the water rune with your forge spirit during the laning stage.
We hope the invoker's guide along with combos and tricks was helpful for many of you. Check out our Lina and Tinker guide.