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Dota 2 Tinker Best Guide 2022

Writer: RyoutaRyouta

Updated: Feb 23, 2023

Tinker has a lot of burst damage. He should be played around his Rearm since it allows him to cast his spells multiple times in a single engagement.

Tinker does so much damage; that's why he is trending in the given meta. It is tough to master and requires a lot of APM, especially map awareness. But he can be a complete menace if he is in the right hands.

In this article, I will tell you how to play tinker at its best and boost MMR. The win rate of tinker is very high.

Dota 2 Tinker Best Guide 2022


  • Mid-Lane, Nuker, Mobility, burst damage, Pusher

Tinker's ability mechanics require a high degree of skills, coordination, and timing to execute.

Tips & Tactics

  • Care must be taken every time when pushing out the lanes to avoid being ganked by enemies. In early to mid-game Tinker is a very frail hero who, despite his mobility, can be easily killed if caught and disabled.

  • You shouldn't join fights before your level 12 unless the enemy is diving in your towers. Since you cannot TP on your creeps before level 12, farming jungle or creep waves is better to get to level 12 ASAP and participate in ganks.

  • Always farm in the opposite direction of where your carry is farming as you don't want to take your carry's farm, which can lead to a dangerous situation where your carry cannot do anything. Later you will lose the game like this.

  • Ancient stacks are a must. Always tell your team to stack ancients for you before the game starts since it can boost your farm a lot, and get your Blink Dagger timing as soon as possible so you can begin to ganking in side lanes.

  • While clearing creep waves, always cast your abilities from the trees. Never come out from the trees while you are pushing out the lanes because your enemy is probably waiting for you to show in lane so he can jump on you and kill you.

  • If your enemies have a lot of catches for you, you should always play from behind and cast your missiles to assist your team.

Tinker Gameplay


  • Bottle and Soul Ring are a must. Without these two items, you cannot spam your abilities and will run out of mana.

  • Later on, Blink Dagger and then Shiva’s Guard. With Shiva’s Guard, you can farm more efficiently, and easily and provide vision from the trees for your team.

  • If an enemy has a lot of disabling, you can go BKB after Dagger and Shiva so you can openly play on the map and not be afraid of being caught or disabled.

  • After these items, you can get an Overwhelming Blink. Overwhelming Blink with Shiva’s guard is a deadly combination of items because it slows the enemy's movement and attack speed.

  • On top, you can get Scythe of Vyse. With Scythe of Vyse, you can kill any hero on the map alone.

Tinker’s Timings

  • Tinker's timing starts after you buy Blink of Dagger and level 12. The farming capabilities, kill potential, and assist the team in fights increase enormously after that point.

  • After you hit your level 18 and you have Overwhelming Blink, BKB, and Shiva's, it's game over for your enemies because he literally cannot die after this.


  • Always TP to side lanes as soon as Tinkers reach level 6 because you might get one or two kills there, and help your teammate if they are struggling.

  • Don't join fights before your level 12 unless it's under your tower. Focus on your farm till you hit level 12.

  • If enemies are camping in side lanes waiting for you to show up, it's better to farm in your jungle or go into the enemy jungle to farm there.

  • Pick Tinker only when you don't have a farming hero in your team who needs a lot of farms to win the game because you don't want to take your carry's farm and grief the game.

  • Always try to delay the game as much as possible until you get to level 18, Tinker's early game is weak, but the late game is super, super strong.

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