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Dota 2 Lina Guide For Beginners

Writer's picture: RyoutaRyouta

Updated: Feb 17, 2023

Right now, Lina is a trendy pick in every bracket and dominates every hero at mid-lane single-handedly because of her Burst Damage Spells, Attack Speed, and Attack Range.

She can take the mid-tower quickly with her insane attack speed and damage.

This lina dota 2 build is not only for beginners but pros can also learn from this guide.


As deadly as she is fragile, she effortlessly strikes down any foe foolish enough to be caught alone.

Gaining attack speed with each spell she casts, she scours enemies with flame and heat lightning, ensuring few can survive her assaults. Boost your MMR by semi carry with this build and gameplay.

She doesn’t lose her lane until the enemy’s supports gank her at mid, but if you play this hero correctly and adequately with good positioning, you can even kill both them, their enemy mid-laner and the support who came to gank you.

To play this hero it's all about the correct positioning. There is never a bad match-up for her at mid-lane.



  • Her ability mechanics are relatively straightforward to execute. The magic damage itemization can burst any hero easily. Her physical damage can make her the semi carry slayer.


Dota 2 Lina Guide For Beginners

In some games, you have to itemize according to the game build is the most popular one, and three items should be made in every game: Black King Bar (BKB), Boots of Travel, and Silver Edge.

  • The remaining items you can make accordingly to the game are needed. If your team lack disables or stuns, you can make Scythe of Vyse after converting boots of speed to BOTs, BKB, and Silver edge.

  • If your team has all the disabled, but your carrier cannot man-fight their enemy’s carry, you should make Satanic man-fight any hero. With satanic, She can fight any hero.

  • Her spells grants bonus attack and movement speed each time she casts a spell on creeps or enemy heroes.

Tips For Beginners:

  • If you are a new player, you should play at least 20 games to understand her lane mechanics.

  • Once you have played 20 games, you probably know how aggressive she can in early game during the laning stage.

  • As a beginner, try to rotate in other lanes after your level 6, so you can easily burst down any hero with your Laguna Blade.

  • Tell your support to secure a rune for you since the bottle runes are crucial for mana regeneration to spam your skills.

  • You need to keep spamming your skills and get your Fiery Soul’s charges up so you can harass your enemy and zone him out of the lane; then you can even pressure his tower.

  • If you face difficulty in using second spell light strike array. You can make eul scepter to cast light strike array easily.

Tips For Advanced:

  • Your focus should be on the enemy mid-hero more than the creeps because she can easily zone out his opponent, and then you can take creeps too.

  • Harass out your opponent enough that his supporters come mid to help him. Like this, your other two lanes will have a good time in the laning phase and will thank you later.

  • As soon as your opponent leaves mid to take rune, gank or go jungle, it would be best if you started hitting his tower. It would be best if you took down his building as soon as possible.

  • Try to focus on your farm first rather than ganking other lanes. Farm your Boots Of Travels first so you can easily TP into any lane any time and gank there.


  • Gank only when needed or when you get a rune-like invisible or haste rune.

  • Always farm in the opposite direction of your team since you have Boots of travels. You can join them anytime.

  • Take the most dangerous side of the map and farm there so your carry can have a safe side of the map to farm freely.

  • Work on your positioning because positioning is the only thing that will make you win the game. Never go in front without popping your BKB because they won't let you open it later.

  • level 25 is essential as it can pierces through spell immunity.


  • In Dota, She has a sibling rivalry with her younger sister rylai the crystal maiden.

  • Crystal median claims her sister finds human combustion amusing.

  • She got her name, Lina the slayer, because of anger issues. Her hair sets on fire when she gets angry; This has been happening since she was young.

  • In a previous battle, She turned the battlefield into a blazing hollow.

  • Growing up, She studied the flame arts, working with Solar Goddess acolytes in the eastern Scintillant Waste, among others. Her hair was "touched by the light," according to the acolytes. Who presented her trinkets to make the sun shine through her hair.

  • The aristocratic sons of the desert's men frequently approach her about marriage because they know how well-liked she is. To make her look acceptable to his son, the Lord of Misrule created a royal robe.

  • She is the owner of certain jewelry and a dress that belonged to a noble who governed the Desert of Misrule.

Check out our other guides, especially on invoker and pudge. You guys will love them.



Nov 22, 2022

Hi! The video is super informative. I'm new to Dota 2 and want to learn how to play Lina. Did you record this guide using this site Is there any way I could write to you and play together, I want to make a video of it!

Nov 29, 2022
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You can join our discord channel You can contact the player there and ask them. Thank you.

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