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Dota 2 Silencer Guide 2023

Writer's picture: RyoutaRyouta

Updated: Jan 13, 2023

Silencer is a ranged intelligence hero who excels at disrupting enemy heroes and disabling their abilities. Valve has recently buffed him and this has made him one of popular heroes with highest win rate. Dota 2 Players are picking him in almost every game because of a high win rate.

He provides a good team fight with his Global Silence and is a strong laner because of his spells.

In this guide, you will learn silencer build, spells, positioning, itemization, counters and combos.

Dota 2 Silencer Guide 2023. silencer build, spells, positioning, itemization, counters and combos.


He is a versatile hero who excels in the role of support. He can also be played as a mid laner or as a carry, thanks to his strong attack damage and ability to farm quickly with Glaives of Wisdom. Currently silencer is highest win rate hero of dota 2.

In order to play him effectively, it is important to understand the timing and usage of his abilities, as well as how to position yourself in team fights to maximize their impact.

Silencer Playstyle:

He can be played on both roles, Support and Core (mid lane).

There are two ways to play.

  • Magical and Physical both are very strong. Magical can burst heroes easily and Physical can man-fight any hero with his Glaives of Wisdom.

If you have a silencer in your team. You can freely play on the map and gank someone easily because of the Global Silence. Try picking him before Valve nerfs him again!


Ranged, Carry, Support, Disabler, Initiator, Nuker


His ability mechanics requires a moderate degree of skill, coordination, and timing to execute

  • Glaives of Wisdom: fires bolts of energy that deal damage to enemy units based on their missing mana. This ability also allows him to gain a portion of the mana burned as attack damage.

  • Last Word: curses an enemy hero, causing them to take damage and become silenced whenever they use an ability.

  • Arcane Curse: curses all enemy heroes in an area. Reducing their attack speed and causing them to take damage whenever they use an ability.

  • Global Silence: releases a wave of energy. That silences all enemy heroes and prevents them from using abilities for a brief period. This is a powerful initiation and team fight ability that can turn the tide of a game.

Silencer Item Build:

After utility items: Boots of Speed

Magical itemization

  • Veil of Discord

  • Ethereal Blade

  • Aghanim’s Scepter

  • Octarine Core

  • Scythe of Vyse

  • Black King Bar BKB

Situational items:

  • Blink dagger

  • Force Staff

  • eul Scepter

With these items, you can probably burst heroes with your spells. Since it will allow you to amplify your spell damage and gives spell cooldown reduction so you can spam your skills.

Physical Itemization:

Physical itemization is useful when you are playing carry silencer.

  • Witch Blade

  • Hurricane Pike

  • Gleipnir

  • Aghanim s shard upgrade

  • Aghanim’s Shard

  • Scythe of Vyse

  • Bloodthorn


  • Blink dagger

  • Hurricane pike

With these items you can easily solo kill any hero and man-fight them.

Tips for Beginners:

  • Spam your skills as much as you can, and keep your enemies on low HP so you can easily zone them out or kill them.

  • Don’t max your 2nd skill first, take 1 level of 2nd skill then max your 1st and 3rd spell because his 1st and 3rd deal a lot of damage.

  • If you are playing a support, keep an eye on the map especially on your cores because if they get ganked you can press Global Silence and save your teammate.

  • Initiate with your Global Silence in a team fight so the enemies can’t use their spells.

Tips for Advanced:

  • Silencer is a fragile hero and doesn’t have any escape abilities. So you have to look for your positioning in fights because the enemy will probably jump on you first if you are standing in front.

  • If you are playing him as support don’t use your Global Silence to save yourself because it’s not worth it, the cooldown of your Ultimate is a lot.

  • If they have a hero who has a channeling ability. like Enigma’s Black Hole, wait for him to use his Black Hole then use your Global Silence to cancel his Black Hole.

  • Don’t go in front without BKB if the enemies have a lot of disable because they will target you first if you don’t have bkb.

Silencer counters:


Anti-Mage is a very good hero to counter. He has a lot of magic resistance and can burn mana and burst him with his Mana Void. Also Anti-Mage can easily jump on top of him even if he is standing far behind. Anti-Mage makes his core item Manta Style which allows him to dispel all spells.


Juggernaut has a spell which can dispel Silencer’s Spells and also have a healing ability which allows them to heal himself and his teammates. Juggernaut also makes his core item Manta Style so he has two things to dispel his spells. Juggernaut can easily kill him with his Ultimate.


Spectre is a straight and hardest counter of Silencer. Since Spectre can easily use Haunt.

Moreover, spectre has a spell called dispersion which allows her to reduce the incoming damage. So He doesn’t do much damage to Spectre. Manta Style is a core item on Spectre so he can dispel his spells.

Night Stalker:

Night Stalker is a counter. Because of the vision he provides and can easily jump on him with his Ultimate. Silencer can’t use his spells unless he has bkb because Night Stalker also has a Silence.

More counters

  • Nyx assassin:

  • legion commander:

Silencer Combos:

  • Ogre Magi: ogre can increase his attack speed by using Lust. Ogre can also tank for him in the laning stage.


Even if your death rate is high but getting your permanent intelligence. Dying is worth it, all you need to get as much as permanent intelligence. It's only useful if you are playing physical build. Because you are going to hit them with all the damage you got from permanent intelligence.

But if you are playing magical build it doesn’t matter how permanent intelligence you have because you will use your spells more than hitting them.

Check out our Dota 2 Razor bloodstone and Lina guide so you can also ace every match and boost MMR.



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