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Ember Spirit Guide for Beginners Dota 2

Writer's picture: RyoutaRyouta

Updated: Dec 5, 2022

Dota 2 Ember Spirit Guide for beginners will help you understand the laning stage. Also, what items or build are essential for him to be successful in the game. Other than positioning, the most important thing is using his ultimate fire remnant.


Ember Spirit is the most flexible hero to play at mid. Among all the spirit of Dota heroes, he is the most popular.

He can deal any damage, burst damage, escape ability, root, mobility and physical damage.

If your ember pick is countered, you can roam and get kills to recover and farm.

Nowadays, many professional Dota 2 players and others are playing ember in the safe lane. Players mostly go for psychical damage or magic damage build depending on the matchup against them.

However, ember spirit is a complex hero and to master him, a lot of practice is required. Once you know the limitations of this hero, you can snowball the game by yourself.


Mid-lanner, Nuker, Escape.


Ember’s spirit hero ability mechanics requires average skills, coordination, and timing to execute.


  • Searing chains: Nearby foes are encircled by fire, which locks them in place and deals damage every second. The damage type is magical.

  • Sleight of fist: Returns to his starting position after defeating all foes in the targeted area of effect. Damage to heroes is increased. The damage type is psychical.

  • Flame guard: Creates a ring of fire around himself that absorbs a portion of the magic damage it receives. While Flame Guard is active, he deals damage per second to a zone around him. Damage is also forfeited if the shield is damaged.

  • Fire Remnant: Sends a Fire Remnant running at 250.0% the speed of an Ember Spirit to the designated area. He will dash out to all active Fire Remnants, destroy them, damage the surrounding area, and then move to the closest Remnant using the Activate Fire Remnant ability. He'll arrive at the Remnant closest to the place he was after.

  • Fire Remnant with Shard: Fire Remnants cause harm to nearby objects every second. An additional charge of Fire Remnant will be added if an enemy hero dies close to Ember.

  • Fire Remnant with Scepter: increases maximum charges, remnant speed, and cast range.


Early Game items:

  • For the early game as a mid-lanner, bottle, phase boots and orb of corrosion items are required. For the early game as a mid-lanner, bottle, phase boots and orb of corrosion items are required. The bottle is vital for mana regeneration and farming speed.

  • This will help you use your spells for farming creep waves. Phase boots provide extra movements speed, armor and damage.

  • Ember Spirit's main items are Maelstrom, black king bar (BKB), Aghanim's Scepter, and Refresher Orb. Other items depend on the game's situation.

Situational Items:

  • If enemies have a lot of disables, you can go for Sange and Kaya to reduce the duration of their disables. But Maelstrom, BKB and Aghanim’s Scepter are a must for ember to play the game properly.

  • Since it allows him to play freely on the map with 5 remnants and the Black king bar without worrying about being caught. If your enemies are too strong for one BKB, use a Refresher Orb to get two BKBs and defeat them quickly.

Tips for Beginners:

  • As a beginner on ember spirit, you should always use your remnants carefully because it is your only way to escape from enemy team. Use it only when needed. Do not use it for farming.

  • Don’t stay in the mid-lane for too long. As soon as you reach to your level 6. it would be best to gank in other lanes because your hero has such high mobility to gank easily.

  • Think before diving into the fights. Always keep count of your remnants. If there is 1 remnant left, wait for the recharges. This will allow you to escape on time.

  • Try to take all the runes. For mid-lanners, runes are very important. Secure the rune by placing a remnant on the top rune and then moving to the bottom rune. If the rune isn't there, use the remnant to go back to the top rune before the enemy hero arrives.

Tips for Advanced:

  • If you need help at mid, always call your support. With support's help, you can secure the rune, and they can also fill your bottle by teleporting in the middle.

  • Ember spirit doesn't need to farm, but maelstrom increase his damage output and farming ability.

  • You need to create space for your carry as much as possible and keep the enemies focused on you. by doing this, your carry will be free to play his game.

  • Always kill the supports first in fights because the ember spirit can quickly kill supports with BKB and extra damage. It is hard for the enemies to win the fight without their support.

  • If there is no catch for heroes like sniper, you can make blink dagger to counter those heroes.

Tips to Play Ember Spirit as Carry:

Ember as carry is a very situational pick. He is not as flexible in the carry role as mid. Players pick Ember as a carry when they need cleave damage for heroes like Naga, Terror blade and illusion heroes. On carry Ember they make battle furry and play around with its sleight of fist.

  • For carry ember you need to farm your items first then you can participate in fights.

  • For items on carry ember make battle furry, desolator and black king bar.

  • You do not need scepter and refresher for carry ember.

  • Play behind your teams mates and use your sleight of fist.

  • Focus on your positioning, you do not want to get caught in fights or by opponents disablers. Stay behind and use your spells.

  • Carry ember can combo with magnus.

Strengths and weaknesses of Ember Spirit:


  • One of the strengths of Ember's spirit is his mobility. He can escape easily from difficult situations. Deals burst damage to heroes like Terror Blade, Naga siren and Drow Ranger.

  • He also deals psychical and magic damage according to the game's situation.

  • He has a lot of impact in team fights, as he can kill the support and other low-sustainability heroes.

  • Even if he loses the lane, ember spirit can recover and help teams mates later.


  • The biggest weakness of the ember spirit is disabler heroes. Which have a lot of stuns and disables like shadow shaman, lion and doom. To avoid this situation make linken Sphere. Your support can also make lotus orb to save you from these situations.

  • If ember loses his lane he can not snowball the game. Opponent's mid lane may have more chances of lead the match towards the victory.

Ember Spirit’s counters:

Doom, Puck, Outworld Destroyer and Anti-Mage.

Ember Spirit’s counters:


Ember can be played in two builds, magical and physical. If your carry is playing a magical hero. You should go with the physical build to provide physical damage for your team with Desolator, Daedalus etc. In magical build ember does not need attack speed.

The Sleight of fist and Searing chains skill build is much better than the Flame guard. You can easily zone out your enemy by spamming Sleight of fist and chains.

Always play around with your remnants. Put your remnant back before pushing lanes deep so easily remnant out if the enemy jumps on you.

Analyze the fight before going in with remnants.



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