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Dota 2 Guide for Riki, To Steal Enemy's MMR

Writer's picture: RyoutaRyouta

Updated: Jan 17, 2023

Dota 2 Riki is a melee agility hero, also known as a stealth assassin. He is getting popular in this current patch with a win rate of 54.58% and a pick rate of 11.65%. Dominating in every game provides his team with good fights and solo pickoffs. He forces enemies to spend their gold on dust and sentries to catch him or be safe from him while farming or pushing the lanes.

He has been picked in almost every game since his shard came out, and it's a broken spell. Right now, he is mainly played as support position 4, and it's a threat to enemy heroes if they show in lanes. He can also be played as a carry, but its not as strong as it's at support. Riki is becoming the highest win rate hero.

Dota 2 Guide for Riki, To Steal Enemy's MMR. Riki Support guide


Following are the riki's abilities which make him good at 4th position.

  • Smoke Screen:

Throws down a smoke bomb, silencing enemies, and causing them to miss attack. This ability is useful for initiating ganks or escaping from enemies.

  • Blink Strike:

Teleports behind the target unit, momentarily slowing them and striking for bonus damage if it is an enemy. This ability is used for initiating fights and chasing down enemies.

  • Tricks of the Trade:

He strikes random enemy units from behind in an area around him and it is a channeled ability. This ability is useful for clearing creep waves and disrupting enemy abilities.

  • Cloak and dagger:

Makes Riki one of the heroes in dota 2 who have passive ultimate. He becomes permanently invisible, except when attacking, using abilities, or being near enemy towers. Every time he strikes his enemy from behind, he deals bonus damage based on his agility.

Guide, To play Riki as support:

  • Riki's aghanim's shard ability sleeping dart is the main reason why he is so broken right now. Because sleeping dart can sleep enemies, slows, damage per second, and has a lot of cast range with low cooldown of 12 seconds.

  • After octarine core you can just pretty much spam sleeping dart.

  • He provides setup for him team mate because of his sleeping dart and smoke screen so the enemy cannot use spell like blink out or jump.

  • He can roam all over the map and provide vision for his team, He is the best hero for pick off any hero on the map if he has +1 hero playing around him.

  • It's hard to kill him without any detection or stuns because he can easily escape if there are any heroes or creeps nearby him to blink on them.

  • He is a threat to enemy heroes if they show in lanes, you cannot freely farm on map against riki because he can easily get you killed.

Itemization Support Riki:

Arcane Boots:

is an item that provides additional mana for heroes that rely on their abilities to deal damage and control the battlefield. As a support you need to spam spell that is why it is efficient to make arcane boots. It also restores 175 mana to nearby allies. Radius 1200.

Aghanim's shard:

Grants him ability sleeping dart as explained above. Fires the dart at targeted enemy, putting them sleep.

The target will wake up at end of duration of 3 seconds or if they take too much damage. upon waking up enemy takes damage of 150 and is slowed. Mostly this ability is used with smoke screen.

Aether Lens:

Increase the effective range of spells and items like blink dagger, eul or E blade. Making it easier to hit enemies with abilities and also to increase the distance at which the user can use their abilities to initiate fights.

Octarine core:

Reduces the cooldown of all spells and items. Makes it easier for the heroes to spam their spells. Great for heroes that initiate fights, as it allows them to use their abilities more frequently like Queen of pain, puck and ember spirit.

Lotus Orb:

Applies a shield to the ally target unit for 6 seconds, which recasts most targeted spells back to their casters. Also provides a debuff if allied unit is silenced or stunned.

Provides heroes with additional intelligence and mana, as well as a powerful active ability that can be used to reflect enemy abilities and protect allies.

Blink Dagger:

Teleport to a target point up to 1200 units away. Blink dagger cannot be used for 3 seconds during or after taking damage. Blink dagger disables even after getting hit by Roshan. Blink makes it easier for heroes to initiate fights, chase down enemies, or escape from dangerous situations.

Itemization Support Riki. Items of support riki

Heroes to Counter Riki:

  • Slardar:

Slardar's ultimate crosive haze also provide true sight on riki and reduces armor by 20 for 18 seconds. The cool down of his ability is 4 seconds. Once slardar jumps on riki with his ultimate and blink dagger, he is dead for sure.

  • Bounty Hunter:

Bounty hunter can provide true sight on riki with his ultimate track for 30 seconds. Track cool down is 4 seconds which can annoy riki.

Items to counter Riki:

  • Lotus orb:

It can debuffs the sleeping dart. Allows allies to escape from dangerous situations.

  • Gem:

it provides true sight and can see him coming.

  • Force staff:

Helps allies to escape from smoke screen and also can use if during sleeping dart.


It's worth noting that win rate is a relative metric, and it can be affected by a lot of factors such as player skill, team compositions and also meta changes. It's not always the best indicator of a hero's power level.

Check out our guide for arc warden and silencer dota 2. Thank you for visiting.



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