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Dota 2 Arc Warden Guide, Hero Build

Writer's picture: RyoutaRyouta

Updated: Feb 9, 2023

Arc Warden is a ranged intelligence hero known for his ability to clone himself and control two units at once. This makes him a versatile hero who can fill multiple roles in a team. He is also known for his high mobility and ability to deal massive damage from a distance. Here is our guide and build for Dota 2.



Arc Warden, also known as ‘’Zet’’ is one of the most complicated and versatile heroes in dota 2.

  • Your micro usage should be on point to play this hero properly. Arc warden can push the lane quickly or cut the creep waves.

  • You can first pick arc warden in this current patch since it’s so hard to counter him.

Dota 2 Arc Warden Guide, Hero Build, item build
  • Even if the enemy destroyed Arc Warden in the lane, he can always recover his farm with his 2 Midas and push waves effortlessly.

  • Arc Warden gives you everything you need to win the game: pushing, tower defending, physical damage, magical damage, fast attack speed, and slow and evasion.

However, Arc Warden’s early game is not so strong since he needs some items to start dominating the game, but once he gets his items and levels, he is unstoppable.

Arc Warden’s mid-game to late game is broken. He can 1 versus 9 if played in the right hands.



Ranged, Carry, Escape, Nuker


Arc Warden’s ability mechanics require a high degree of skills, coordination and timing to execute.

In the previous patch, Arc Warden’s item build was physical build only, with attack range. But this patch valve nerfed the physical Arc Warden and buffed the magic damage.



His itemization only includes the hand of Midas, Boots of travel for movement speed, Gleipnir, Octarine core, Aghanim's Scepter, Overwhelming blink and scythe of vyse.

Dota 2 Arc Warden Guide, Hero Build, item build
  • These are the only core items to win the game single-handedly with Arc Warden.

  • You are unstoppable with this itemization.

  • You can spam your skills and burst the enemies quickly.

  • It would be best if you made Octarine core before aghanim's scepter because some people make aghanim's scepter first before the octarine core.

  • Making octarine core first will allow you to spam your skills more and reduce the cooldown of your skills so you can keep using your ultimate as soon as it is finished. Which also helps in split pushing.













Tips for Beginners:

  • Always focus on your farm till your core items like Octarine Core and Gleipnir before you start fighting because your clone can't do much about these 2 items.

  • Make sure to complete Midas on Arc Warden because Midas is the only item that will allow you to flash farm items and reach your timings more quickly.

  • Always send your clone into the fight, don't ever go in a fight with your real hero because all enemy heroes will focus on you and kill you since it's easy to kill arc warden.

  • Keep using your ultimate as soon as its off cooldown and TP the clone into the lanes to start pushing; pressure the enemies to react to your clone.

Tips for Advanced:

  • Don't pick Arc Warden if you already have a farmer hero in your team because it will be hard for both of you to farm, and if the enemies are good, they won't give you time to farm, and you will lose eventually.

  • Try to kill the supports first in team fights since you can easily burst them with your magic damage, and without support, it's pretty much hard to win the team fight.

  • Always keep an eye on your real hero, and keep the focus on your real hero because the enemy might try to find the real Arc Warden while you are using the clone.

  • Keep pushing the lanes constantly, pressure the enemies as much as you can, and force them to come back and defend their tower so your team can have more time to farm.


Arc Warden counters:

  • Slark: He can get stats from his clone.

  • Meepo: Meepo can snowball game and finish before Arc can even farm properly.

  • Ursa: Can easily kill Arc because of his ultimate and Fury swips.

  • LifeStealer: Rage can protect LS from Arc's Spells since he deals magical damage.

Arc Warden counters: Dota 2 Arc Warden Guide, Hero Build


  • If you are having a bad start skip the boots of travel, make Gleipnir straight after completing Midas, and then make Arcane boots. Later on, you can dissemble it into an Octarine core.

  • Don't feed your clone too much to enemies since it gives 200 gold if the enemy hero kills your clone.

  • Only send your clone to the lane where five enemy heroes are if your clone is strong enough.

  • You can always cut the creep waves if enemies are hitting your tower, and you can't do much about it. Try to drag the game as much as possible.


Check out our Dota 2 ember spirit and Lina guide so you can also ace every match and boost MMR.



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