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Best Offlane Heroes with Highest Win Rate Dota 2

Writer: RyoutaRyouta

Updated: Feb 14, 2023

In Dota 2, the offlane is crucial and requires a mix of durability, damage output, and map control. The offlaner is responsible for surviving against the enemy team's carry and support.

While looking for opportunities to make plays and apply pressure. Offlane heroes are usually tanky, have reasonable crowd control and often have a good laning phase.

Best Offlane Heroes with highest win rate Dota 2

Some offlane heroes are strong who can initiate fights, while others excel at dealing with the damage and applying pressure. Some are more durable and can survive longer in the lane.

While others are better at roaming and making plays across the map and creating space for their carry.

Whether you're new to Dota 2 or a seasoned veteran. This guide will provide the information you need to play offlane effectively and help your team win with offlane dota 2 highest win rate heroes in new patch 7.32d.

5. Axe:

Axe also known as the Mogul Khan. He is a melee strength hero in Dota 2 that is often played in the offlane role. Axe has the highest win rate of 52.68% with pick rate of 14.34%.

dotaBuff: Best Offlane Heroes with highest win rate Dota 2
  • Durability:

Axe has a high base of health and health regen, making him a durable hero. It also depends which heroes are against him.

After making vanguard he is un killable in the lanning stage.

  • Crowd control:

Axe has a strong disable ability, Berserker's Call. Which forces all enemy units in a radius to attack him and become disabled.

This ability allows him to initiate fights and control the enemy's movement and make teams fights easy for his team.

  • Damage:

Axe's ultimate ability, Culling Blade, allows him to instantly kill an enemy hero below a certain amount of health.

This ability gives him the potential to secure kills and turn fights in his team's favour.

Axe win rate on different medals:

From Herald to Immortal

Axe win rate on different medals: From Herald to Immortal

Visage, also known as the Necro'lic. He is a ranged intelligence hero in Dota 2 with win rate of 52.06% and pick rate is 1.15%. He can be played in the offlane role and mid as well.

dotaBuff: Best Offlane Hero Visage with highest win rate Dota 2
  • Durability:

Visage gravekeeper's clock allows him to survive in laning stage and take less magical and physical damage.

  • Farming:

Visage has a powerful farming ability, silent of the grave. This allows him to farm faster with his familiars.

  • Damage:

Visage's ability, soul assumption, allows him to deal a lot of magical damage.

  • Utility:

Visage's Familiars can be used as vision, scouting, and a source of burst damage.

Visage win rate on different medals

From Herald to Immortal

Visage win rate on different medals dotabuff

3. Legion Commander

Legion Commander, also known as Tresdin. She is a melee strength offlane hero in Dota 2 with current win rate is 53.80% and pick rate is 18.43%.

  • Durability:

Legion Commander do good in laning stage because of her ability moment of courage. Which allows her to trade hits with opponents.

  • Single target hero:

She can eliminate any enemy hero in her ability duel with blade mail. This ability gives her the potential to secure kills and get bonus permanent damage.

This can turn the tides in her team's favor. Blink dagger is must item on her to catch enemies in duel.

  • Damage:

Legion Commander has a passive ability, Moment of Courage, which grants her a chance to deal bonus physical damage.

  • Mobility:

Legion Commander has a movement speed buff ability, overwhelming odds. Which allows her to chase down enemies or escape dangerous situations.

Legion Commander win rate on different medals:

From Herald to Immortal

Legion Commander win rate on different medals: From Herald to Immortal

2. Lycan

Lycan is a melee strength hero in Dota 2 known for his versatility and strong early game. His current win rate 53.96% with pick rate of 2.33%.

  • Early Game:

Lycan has a strong early game, with great physical damage and the ability to farm quickly. This makes him well-suited for the offlane, where he can farm and level up effectively.

  • Initiator:

Lycan's ultimate ability, "Shapeshift," gives him increased movement speed and damage, making him a strong initiating hero.

  • Laning Stage:

"Summon Wolves" ability allows him to control the lane and make it difficult for enemy heroes to farm. This can create space for the rest of your team to farm and gain an advantage.

Lycan win rate on different medals

From Herald to Immortal

Lycan win rate on different medals From Herald to Immortal

1. Razor:

Razor is a ranged agility hero with the current win rate of 54.60% and pick rate is 13.46%. In the new dota 2 patch 7.32d, he is dominating every game.

  • Good laning stage:

Right now Razor deals magical damage because of his ability plasma field and ability storm surge. Which allows him to farm and push his lane effectively.

  • Mobility:

Razor has good mobility with his ability Plasma Field, which allows him to push the lane and chase down enemies.

  • Durability:

Razor is a relatively durable hero, due to his ability Static Link. Which drains the life force from an enemy unit, granting him bonus damage.

By bloodstone razor becomes tanky and deals a lot of damage and get spell life steal.

Razor win rate on different medals

Honorable Mentions:

  • Enigma with Black hole

  • Death Prophet

  • Dark Seer

  • Dawnbreaker

  • Primal Beast



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