Hi my fellow Overwatch player in this blog I am going to tell you all about Ashe, this will be a proper guide about her.
Ashe is an amazing hero in Overwatch 2. She is the leader of the Deadlock Gang and a rebellious gunslinger who hijacks trains and stole the good in the train. She is not afraid to kill anyone that is what makes her dangerous.
Damage, Train Hijacker.
Counter of Ashe.

Primary fire Semi-automatic rifle, Secondary fire Hold to zoom in, increasing damage and accuracy but slowing rate of fire.
Viper is a lever action rifle which has a magazine size of 12.
Primary fire can do damage of 12 to 40 within a range of 20 to 40 meters.
Secondary fire can provide 22.5 to 75 damage in the range of 30 to 50 meters.
She can also kill her enemies by headshot them.
When you hold the secondary fire your moment will be slow by 25%.
The primary fire has a maximum spread angle of 1.85 degrees but the primary fire is pin point.
Secondary fire can also be used to secure kills from a distance.
Throw an explosive that detonates after a short delay or immediately when shot.
The explosive can provide damage by two different ways. By explosion can do 20 to 50 damage, and By burning can do 100 damage.
It can be thrown in a projectile speed of 25 meters per second and have an area of effect of 5 meters.
For 5 seconds can burn enemies after every 12 seconds.
One thing you always have to remember is that it can damage yourself by 50% so be careful.
The burning can also burn and damage the Barriers or Turrets.
It can also be immediately removed if the enemy starts using it.
When you throw your dynamite you can shoot it to explode early.
Coach Gun:
Blast enemies in front of you and knock yourself backwards.
It is a double barrel sawed-off shotgun which can provide damage of 90 pershot.
It has a moment speed of 18 meters per second by vertically and by horizontally 16 meters per second.
It can shoot only one shot and that one shot contains 15 pellets.
It has a cooldown of 10 seconds.
If you want to back off from enemies you do not have to shoot anything at all to push backwards.
You can also push enemies who are rushing towards you.
By using this ability you can also jump onto a higher ledge by shooting it on the ground right after when jump.
When you use this ability you can change the location of the shot in the casting time which is 0.20 seconds so you have to be fast enough.
Deploy BOB. She charges forwards and knocks enemies into the air, then attacks with his arm cannons.
When she uses this ability she calls out her robot armed with cannons and has a health pack of 1000.
She is capable of damaging about 120 when he charges toward his enemy and with his arm cannon he can do 112 damage for 10 seconds which he can do 1120 damage overall with his cannon.
She can charge in the t range of 70 meters and his cannon range is 40 meters.
She has a moment speed of 15 meters per second.
She can be used for about 10 seconds after when She collides with enemies.
If B.O.B charges towards any kind of charge attacks such as Reinhardt Charge, Brigitte Sheild Bash, e.t.c will cause both of the participants to be knocked down for 2 seconds so be careful.
She can also be healed with Ana’s Nano Boost or can be damaged with Sombra’s Hack.
Ashe can also gain some moment speed, reload speed and 1% of her ultimate so try to eliminate more enemies to recharge your ultimate if you can.
Dynamite can be deflected by Genji, he can change its ownership and will have the full advantage over you.
Do not use your Dynamite ability on any shield thinking that it will damage the shield because it will bounce back to you and damage you.
When B.O.B knock her enemies in the air Ashe has the advantage to take proper aim at her enemies and kill them if she can.
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