Hello, fellow Overwatch gamers and fans. I'll share some information about the top 5 support heroes with you today in this article so you can use them to play the game and dominate battles. Therefore, let's get started.

5. Brigitte:
Although she is a support hero, Brigitte is a crusader as well. She is constantly there to help, heal, and protect her allies. The assault of Brigitte Flail deals 35 damage to foes and 35 healing to allies, which is helpful in close combat and can slightly alter the course of conflicts. Still, her repair pack is superior and deals 110 healing over two seconds within a range of 30 meters. Her Repair Pack ability has three charges, each of which has a 110-healing power and a 6-second cooldown. She also possesses a shield ability, with a 250 health cap and a 5-second cooldown if it breaks. Using this skill, she can block enemy attacks or slap enemies with her Shield Bash.

Brigitte is a fantastic hero, but she also has some negative points, such as her speed and weapon choice. Her Flail is effective, but it has a slow attack speed. She already has a slow pace, and it gets worse when she opens her shield. But Blizzard made her with different DPS abilities. She should never get far away from any tank unit.
4. Baptiste:
At first, Baptiste appears to be a simple character. But when he is on the ground, you can see his full potential. He can heal his friends and damage opponents with his Biotic Launcher. His primary shot can fire a three-round burst that deals 7.2 to 25 damage per round. With his secondary image, he may heal his teammates by 50 healing on an explosion and 70 healing on a direct hit. He also possesses some incredible skills like Immortality Field and Regenerative Burst.

In the Immortality Field, he can prevent his teammates from dying and have a health of 150. In Regenerative Burst, he can heal himself and adjacent allies. His ultimate "Amplification Matrix" builds a matrix that can multiply his teammates' healing and damage output by two.
3. Ana:
Baptiste may be able to heal more often, but Ana can heal across a far wider area. With a 15-round magazine and a speed of 125 meters per second, Ana's sniper rifle, the Biotic Rifle, can do 75 damage to foes and 75 healing to her allies. With her Sleep Dart ability, Ana can knock down an opponent for 1.5 to 5 seconds. The knockdown can be interrupted if the opponent is shot, and the ability has a 15 second cooldown.

Ana also has a skill called Biotic Grenade, which she can use to deal 60 damage to opponents and 100 healing to allies within a 4-meter radius. It can last up to 3 seconds before cooling off after 10 seconds. Ana's ultimate ability, the "Nano Boost," can give her teammates a boost of energy, allowing them to deal 50% more damage and take less damage from the enemy's strike while gaining an additional 250 health for only 8 seconds. Within a 40-meter radius, she has the power to utilize it on her allies.
2. Kiriko:
Kiriko is a blend of several elements. In Overwatch 2, the best healer to team up with Lucio is. Kunai and the Healing Ofuda are Kiriko's primary weapons. Primary fire can grant allies 26 healing points for each burst and 13 healing points per talisman. Her foes can be hit by secondary fire, which has a speed of 90 meters per second and deals 40–120 damage. Swift Step is a 35-meter-range teleportation ability that she has that can travel through barriers and has a 14-second cooldown.

Kiriko also has the ability Protection Suzu, which has a range of 5 metres and a speed of 35 metres per second, and allows her to heal herself for 50 and temporarily render her teammates invulnerable. In her ultimate "Kitsune Rush," she summons a Fox Spirit that advances while accelerating 50% of her teammates' healing, cooldown, reloading, and attacking speeds as they move in his direction. Within a radius of 25 metres, it lasts for 10.5 seconds. She also possesses the passive ability to easily climb barriers.
1. Lucio:
Lucio is ranked first on this list because she is the finest support character in Overwatch 2. His primary weapon is a "Sonic Amplifier" with a 20-round magazine that can fire 4-round bursts, with each bullet having a 20-damage cap while moving at a projectile speed of 50 meters per second. Right-clicking allows him to perform Sound Wave, an ability that deals 25 damage, moves at 15 meters per second, has an 8-meter field of effect, lasts 0.56 seconds, and has a 4-second cooldown.

His other two skills are CrossFade and Amp It Up. Within an effective radius of 12 meters, he may heal himself and allies at a rate of 10 and 16 healing per second, respectively, while also having a cooldown of.38 seconds and the ability to speed up by 25%. And in Amp It Up, he has a 3 second cooldown, a duration of 50 healing per second for allies and 30 healing per second for himself, as well as a 60% speed boost in a 12 meter radius.
One last thing about Lucio is his ultimate Sound Barrier can provide an overhealth of 750 health to himself and his allies within a radius of 30 meters and have a duration of 6 seconds and a casting time of 1.61 seconds.
Let us know which is your favorite character in OverWatch 2, and also submit your gameplays to get featured.