Who doesn't love playing Moira in overwatch 2. Moira is one of the strongest healers in Overwatch 2. However, she has low utility but can provide massive damage to enemies and healing to allies. Below are some tips and tricks to make you stand out from your opponent's Moira.
D.va, Sombra, Tracer/Reaper, Moira and Lucio
This composition is suitable for dive-in or defensive gameplay.

Biotic Grasp
Hold the primary fire to provide healing to allies in front of you. It consumes biotic energy. Provide 70 healing per second.
Hold secondary fire long range beam weapon to damage enemies. It replenishes your biotic energy. Deal 50 damage per second.
Biotic Grasp has low projectile speed, it takes time for healing to reach the allies.
Biotic Grasp can also boost the tank heroes so that thy can start with extra buff. It gives 50 damage per second.
Note that Biotic Grasp Spray can be blocked by enemy tank's shield.
There is always a trad off between healing allies or damaging enemy heroes. In order to heal your allies, Moira needs to damage enemy to gather healing resources. it is better to choose a location where you can deal damage and to heal your tank/carry at the same time.
Biotic Orb
Launching a bouncing sphere that either heals nearby allies or damages, nearby enemies.
The active duration of biotic orb is 7 seconds.
It has cool down of 8 seconds and can pass through shields.
Use the Orb wisely because it can recharge the ultimate faster.
The orb can deal up to 200 damage to enemies. Can heal up to 300 HP of allies.
Disappears, move faster, become invulnerable but Moira can not shoot.
Movement speed allows her to escape from enemies.
Duration is 1 second and cooldown is 6 seconds.
Fade can help you in resource farming. You can deal damage to enemy heroes gather biotic energy and can get back to your allies after using fade.
Fade can help you cover more distance. After using fade press jump to activate that extra distance leap.
Any status damage can nullified by using fade.
It can also help you to evade ultimate of other enemy heroes.
Since the cool down of Fade is 6 second and it has a lot of advantages so chose wisely when to use it.
Fire a beam that heals allies and damages enemies.
It has duration of 8 seconds.
Deals up to 70 damage and heals up to 140.
Moira can move faster in coalescence.
Coalescence can turn around the game with its huge impact.
Gameplay Tips
Try to get as many allies or enemies into your coalescence beam as possible because that will help your teammates get healed or damage your enemies.
Before using coalescence throw Biotic orb into the field for extra buff of healing or damage.
For that coordinate with your teammates before using coalescence; using the ultimate can change the game in your favor.
Remember, your enemies can cancel your ultimate by killing you, so always check which enemies can destroy your ability.
Keep your fade ability online to avoid situations where you can be killed. Try to get not too far or close to the battlefield. Just be visible to your allies so you can heal them.
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