Hello, Overwatch 2 enthusiasts and viewers! Today I'm going to discuss the top 5 Overwatch 2 damage heroes you should use in your rank battles. These selections are based on playstyle, damage, difficulty level, and skills. Let's get started without further ado.

5. Pharah:
Difficulty level ★ ★
With her ability to fly and her rocket launcher as a weapon, Pharah is one of the great and beloved characters that every player wishes to select. As soon as we push the jump button, Pharah's thruster helps her take off into the air.
The impact of an enemy hitting the ground will inflict damage on them, however a displacement rocket does not deliver damage itself. Direct rocket launcher damage deals 120 damage, whereas a close enemy is only dealt 24.6 to 80 damage if it simply explodes.
It is difficult for the adversary to catch her because of her ability to fly, which gives her the advantage of maintaining vertical distance from the enemy. It will be difficult for the adversary to kill Pharah if they lack a hit-scan hero like soldier 76.

Pharah has a special ability called the Ultimate that allows her to launch assault rockets while remaining still. It is a drawback since foes can quickly kill her. The effect, however, happens quickly, giving the adversaries little opportunity to respond.
A strong healer will let Pharah stay in the fight despite the fact that foes would switch their hit-scan characters to target her as a drawback.
4. Genji:
Difficulty level ★ ★ ★
He is a robotic ninja that plays as a highly talented damage hero in Overwatch 2, but he is also an incredibly strong character. He wears a cybernetic suit. His main weapon is a shuriken, which deals 29 damage when thrown in a group of three or fanned out like a shotgun as a secondary fire weapon.
Additionally, after he kills an enemy, his sword dash automatically recharges and deals decent damage. Genji also has the ability to double leap, which enables him to move constantly, making him hard to strike and allowing him to effortlessly scale any obstacle he desires.

Additionally, Genji possesses the ability to Reflect, which enables him to direct non-beam attacks directly at his adversaries.
Genji's special move is called Dragonblade, and it involves swinging his sword in the air while pointing it at an opponent. As he does so, a dragon materialises and attacks the person he is aiming at. He's moving around 30% faster now, thus you can strike yours more quickly than previously.
3. Widowmaker:
Difficulty level ★ ★
The third spot on this list goes to Widowmaker, who can use her sniper rifle to one-shot opponents. The widowmaker will be a challenging hero to play if your aim isn't accurate.
When she is on the field, it makes no difference who or how much stronger an opponent healer is because she can one-shot her foe, meaning there won't be anyone in need of healing. Another feature of her firearm is that the shot will become more potent the longer you hold the secondary firing. 36 to 120 damage at 100% power and 3.3 to 12 damage at 0% power.

Although Widowmaker possesses a submachine gun firing skill, it isn't very powerful. She also possesses a poison mine and a grappling hook in her toolkit, which she can use to scale a height for a better view of her adversaries.
The ultimate power of the widowmaker draws attention to her adversary so that her friends can easily murder them. She can also make flankers more visible with her power so that your friends can eliminate them.
2. Bastion:
Difficulty level ★ ★ ★
Due to his poor speed, Bastion is one of the least popular heroes in Overwatch 2. However, this hero has some incredible qualities that will turn away your rivals from playing against you.

Massive damage can be dealt by Bastion for a brief period of time. His standard weapon is a hit-scan machine gun, which deals damage of up to 20 to 25 and is extremely precise but fires slowly. He has the capacity to easily eliminate the entire team because to his ability to transform into a turret tank. Another weapon used by Bastion is a sticky bomb.
1. Ashe:
Difficulty level ★ ★
In Overwatch 2, Ashe is a fantastic hero because to her skills and arsenal. The Viper Rifle, a lever-action rifle with a sight, is the weapon she carries. It has incredible damage of 12 to 40 without a sight, and it has damage of 22 to 75 with a scope, but she performs best at a medium distance because she cannot hurt foes at close range.

Ashe also possesses a double-barrel shotgun with a six-shot capacity and a 90 damage per shot rating that can deal with foes. She can use this talent to leap to a higher altitude as well. In addition, she carries a stick dynamite that, after being thrown, can explode.
There's no need to worry if you can't deal enough damage to foes. Ashe also has an ultimate where she can summon a robot that is heavily armed with machine guns and can easily and rapidly take out any foes in his line of sight.
Let us know which is your favorite character in OverWatch 2, and also submit your gameplays to get featured.