Dota 2 MMR is the clear indication of how you play the game. if your MMR is low people will assume that you are a noob player and if your MMR is high people will respect and listen to your calls in-game.
Having a high MMR can lead you to play against Pro players or in team with them. Hight MMR games are enjoyable and you can also earn money by competing in local or international tournaments.
If you have a high MMR you will most likely to be known with high rank players. Many Dota 2 tournaments and leagues use MMR ranking system as a factor in determining eligibility and seedings.
Read more to know Dota 2 Highest Win rate heroes of this patch

So, having a high MMR can give dota 2 players the opportunity to participate in more prestigious events.
Here are 5 Tips to Gain MMR in Dota 2: Guide. Implement these five different strategies in a right way to increase your rank. This list is also recommended by high rank players or Professional players. Let’s get into it!
Dota 2 ranked matchmaking:
On winning solo ranked match you get 30 MMR and on winning party match you get 20 MMR. The good Dota 2 MMR rank medals are from Divine to Immortal. The higher the MMR the better.

1. Play 3-5 Heroes in Back to Back Games
First point is finding 3-5 heroes suitable to your position from your hero pool. Then start playing these heroes consistently. Mostly players find it boring and unexciting to play same hero in every game.
You are going to stagnate your growth by doing this.
It is much better to have a pretty clear idea of three to five heroes you want to play. This is what most of the high rank players do.
So you need to find those heroes and also watch replays of your rank games as well. it’s gonna improve your game a lot.
2. Sticking To The Fundamentals
The second sticking to the fundamentals. Here are the fundamentals recommend sticking to by dota 2 professional players:
Last Hitting and Trading:
If you are a core player last hitting in the lane is important. You cannot miss a lot of last hits and think that you are going to carry the game. For this you can practice last hitting in demo mode with specific hero.
As a support in laning stage trading means how much value are you getting out of your spells when you are using them on enemy. Are you getting more or less damage than them?
You have to win that damage dealing battle.
To raise your MMR as a support Positioning and spell casting at the right time matters. You need to stay behind your offlane and carry to cast your spells at the right time.
If you want to win game as support you need to make sure that you help your cores to win the lanes.
Spell-Casting and Team Fighting:
This is for both support and core players. How efficient are you in your team fights depends on spell casting.
Are you missing spells, are you casting your spells as fast as you possibly can? are you casting your items as fast as you can? If Yes! then you need to stop doing these things.
Fight Selection:
Are you taking 3v5 fights for no reason? are you initiating when your team isn’t very close? or are you fighting under towers and getting set up on because the enemy has the vision advantage?
If yes! then you need to analyze the situation and improve communication with your team.
3. Learn To Give Basic Calls
This point is very important. Learn to give basic calls when you are communicating you have to make it short concise and be somewhat loud. This is highly recommended by many pro players to talk a little in-game.
Little bit of communication very minimal maybe just three to five sentences can have a lot of impact.
why it’s useful? it will make people realize that you are trying. So they will try to listen to you.
When they see a person is grinding and trying their hardest, they lock in. Hard work and effort is contagious. Communication is the key to win more games and grind MMR faster.
4. Don’t Play More Than You Think You Should
If you are getting tired after playing 6-7 games. You shouldn’t play more because you will lose focus which is the biggest factor to perform at your best.
Your MMR is an indication of how well you are playing, you will get a lot of MMR just by being more aware of your limitations.
Some people can play 10 to 12 games and be focused but some people can get tired after playing 6-7 games.
It differs from person to person, you should know your limitations of how many games you can play with fully focused. Playing more than you think, you can will literally grief your MMR.
5. Have A Back-up Support Hero
If you play core position like Mid, carry and offlane, always have support back up hero.
Having a backup support hero and spending the time to actually understand the hero.
if you are a core player and you got to actually be good at support role. otherwise you are gonna grief your team mate because after 4 games your rank queue as a core will be over.
You are not gonna get core in every single game so should have a backup support hero which you can play really well.
Learning a backup support hero will also make you a better core player because you can guide your team mates better and tell your support what to do in lane.
To gain MMR you have to be flexible, don’t be the guy who cannot adjust because he can only play core.
These were the tips and strategies to Gain MMR in Dota 2. Let us know what you think.