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Overwatch 2 Reinhardt Guide And Tips For Beginners

Writer: ArthurArthur

Updated: Nov 27, 2022

Reinhardt real name is Reinhardt Wilhelm. He is a German 64 years old Crusador who Joined overwatch to protect the world from evil. He has Powered armor and a rocket hammer. He lives with the knightly codes of valour, justice and courage.


  • Tank


  • Soldier 76, Genji, Reinhardt,, Mercy, Lucio

  • Best team composition to any type of gameplay.

Counter of Reinhardt:

  • McCree, Bastion Pharah, Junkart, Reaper, Tracer.

  • These can defeat Reinhardt with ease so be careful when you see them.


Rocket Hammer:
  • Devastating melee weapon.

  • It can provide 85 damage to enemies within a range of 5 meters.

  • You can do a swing every 0.9 seconds.

  • You can three-shot a 250-hp enemy if he does not have AOE healing.

  • This weapon can be swung 180 degrees which means if your enemies are grouped up so you can use it to give 85 damage to each enemy

  • If your enemy is behind shields you also can give them damage because it can be swung through shields.

  • You can increase your hammer swing radius by moving your aim in which direction your hammer is swinging. It depends on your sensitivity to how much you want to increase your radius


  • Charge forward and smash an enemy against a wall.

  • In this ability, Reinhardt rushes towards a straight line if any enemy comes into his path he grabs him and if he collides with a wall so the enemy that he grabbed will gain serious damage.

  • It can provide damage of 225 with a cooldown of 8 seconds.

  • Its steering rate has increased by 50% so it is easy to handle.

  • While using this ability if your enemy is not in your path you may bump them which will cause them 50 damage.

  • You can use it for only 3 seconds so carefully aim at your target before using it.

  • When you use this ability do not charge on an entire enemy team because there are some other characters who can pin you down.

  • You can use it to get back to your team if your enemies surround you.

  • You can use it to counter your enemy pin but this will knock you for a few seconds, you have to use it when your enemy uses his ability to rush towards you.

Fire Strike:
  • Launch a fiery projectile.

  • It can provide damage of 90 within a cooldown of 6 seconds.

  • It has a speed of 25 meters per seconds so shoot it when you know your enemy’s exact location.

  • Do not use it if the entire enemy team is focusing on your shield because when you use it you may be stuck in animation for about 1 second and that is enough to get killed.

  • You can use it after swinging the rocket hammer to reduce its animation and gives to the advantage of not getting killed.

  • You can not use this ability to hit your flying targets because of its projectile speed, your enemy might dodge your attack.

  • You can use it easly if your enemy is rozen or something else.

Barrier Field:
  • Hold secondary fire to deploy a frontal energy barrier “Sheild”.

  • It has a health of 1200 and a regeneration health of 144 per second.

  • This allows your allies to shoot enemies through it but your enemies can not so that is a big advantage for you to be in cover with a proper vision on your enemies.

  • Use this shield as a personal shield and get closer to enemies and brawl with them.

  • You can use it to block big abilities like Sigma’s Acceleration, Roadhog’s hook and Ana’s anti-grenade.

  • When you use this shield your movement becomes slow so first jump forward and quickly take your shell out doing this procedure your movement speed will be fast enough to rush towards the enemy's team.

  • If your shields break your shield will have a 5 seconds cooldown so try to manually put down your shield.


Earth Shattered:
  • Knock down all enemies in front of you.

  • In this ability, Reinhardt slams his hammer onto the ground causing nearby enemies 50 damage and knockdown them for 2.5 seconds within 20 meters.

  • This ability also has a vertical height of 2 meters which knocks enemies who are jumping.

  • Use it when your enemy’s Reinhardt shield is shattered because it will take time for the enemy to put shields back on.

  • Be careful while using it because it can be cancelled by Reinhardt shield and Zarya bubbles .

  • You can use this ability very quickly because it is very effective and it can be reused again in a very small amount of time.

  • You can also use it to counter your enemy’s ultimate by using it when their ultimate animation begins.


  • If your enemies have Ana and Baptiste then you have to play more passively to win the game and aim for the healers first.

  • Watch out for these characters: Zarya, Dva, Reaper, Bastion, Roadhog, Mei, Symetra and Hanzo because when your shield shattered these characters can kill you

  • When you doing a Rein v Rein so you have to get your Ultimate ready before theirs.

  • If your enemy's ultimate is ready your no1 priority is to block their ultimate it will give you the advantage to win the match.

  • You can also kill tanks with this combo: first, you have to use your ultimate then Fire Strike then pin your enemy to the wall by using charge then hit him with your primary attack, one or two swings is enough to kill your opponent.


  • Reinhardt's real name is Reinhardt Willhelm is a crusader who lives in the knightly code of Valour, Justice and Courage. In the back old days, he was fighting with the German army against the Omnics which are Artificial intelligence robots created by Omniums. With his Friend, Balderich-Von-Alder who was the leader of the crusaders won the battle between the robots and the Crusaders but Balderich-Von-Alder give his sacrifice to save the others. After that fight, Reinhardt decided to retire. After many years he was called from the Overwatch and joined it to protect the earth from evil.

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