Hi, my fellow Overwatch 2 players today I am presenting you an amazing guide of Lucio. Lucio is the best support character in Overwatch 2. With his moment speed, he will be there to help his allies, with his primary weapon he can easily heal his allies.
Support, DJ.
Counter Of Lucio:

Sonic Amplifier:
Sonic Projectile launcher.
His primary weapon can do damage of 20 per round.
It can san shoot 4 rounds of burst with a speed of 50 meters per second.
It does not have a falloff range means it has an infinite range.
It has the advantage of securing kills from a distance because it does not have a falloff range.
It has a magazine size of 20 rounds and a reload time of 1.25 seconds.
It can also headshot your enemies so you have an advantage.
Create a short-range blast wave to knock enemies away from you.
It can be used by pressing the secondary fire.
It can provide damage of 25 within 8 meters.
You can use this ability after every 4 seconds.
You can use it to knock enemies off the map.
Most people call it the boop.
You can also use it to kill or push your enemy from you when they are ruching on you.
By using this ability you can not knock Reinhardt.
Switches between two songs: Healing boost heals nearby allies, and Speed boost makes nearby allies move faster.
It can increase your allies moment speed by 25%
It can also provide 10 hp per second to himself and 16 hp per second to allies.
It can be used after every 0.38 seconds.
It can be used in a radius of 12 meters.
You can use this ability on Reinhardt to move faster when he has his shield opened.
It can be blocked by the enemy’s barrier or any obstacle so have a clear angle of your allies to use it.
It can also help Lucio to check how many enemies are near him, if they are in the radius.
Amp It Up:
Increase the effectiveness of your current song.
It can heal you 30 per second and can heal your allies 50 per second.
It can also increase 60% of your and your allies speed for 3 seconds.
You can use it in a radius of 12 meters and can be used after every 10 seconds.
This ability is linked to the Crossfade ability because it can boost up the ability to heal or increase the moment speed more of his allies or himself.
It can also be used at the start in the point capture game so your allies can get to the point quicker than enemies.
It can also help to beat enemies with healing when your allies ae in a big battle with the enemy team.
Sound Barrier:
Create temporary extra health for nearby allies.
It can provide 750 extra health to allies
It can be used in a range of 30-meter radius for 6 seconds.
If you manage to use it at the right time it can block ultimates like Genji’s dragon blade or Junkart Ripfire.
If you get stunned before using it then the cooldown will start from all over again so be careful.
Wall Ride:
Jump onto a wall o ride along it.
It can increase his speed by 25%.
You can climb up any wall on the map.
You can go to the high location where snipers are camping.
You can get the advantage of getting vertical distance.
You can also get a clear view on enemies to eliminate them.
You can get to your teammates when they are in trouble by Wall Riding.
Sombra can cancel your ultimate by using her emp so be careful and use it after Sombra Emp.
Lucio is meant for supporting his enemies so do not flank enemies
You can change the setting to a back wall ride.
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