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Soldier76 Guide for Beginners

Writer: ArthurArthur

Soldier 76 is the best hero for players with experience in Call Of Duty games. He is one of damage dealing characters of Overwatch 2 and is available early on. Here are some tips and tricks to play at beginners to pro level.


  • Damage


  • Soldier 76, Baptiste, Orisa, Ana, Lucio. This composition is called The Meta Comp.

Counter of Soldier 76:

  • Torbjorn, Pharah, Tracer, Mercy, Lucio

wallpaperflare soldier 76 Overwatch 2 Soldier76 Guide for Beginners


Heavy Pulse Rifle:
  • Automatic assault weapon.

  • This weapon has a damage of 18 with a magazine size of 30.

  • It can fire 10 shots per second means you can empty your mag on your enemies within 3 seconds.

  • You can reload it within 1.5 seconds.

  • Using this weapon, you can handle any situation because of its high accuracy.

  • This weapon has a range of 30-50 m falloff range.

  • Before losing its pinpoint accuracy, it can shoot several shots.


  • Run faster while moving forward.

  • With this ability, you can run 50% faster than the average speed.

  • You can use it for rushing your enemies so they will panic, and you will get an advantage.

  • Using this ability, you can also go around your enemies and flank them.

  • With this ability, you can go faster to help your teammate before getting killed.

Biotic Field:
  • Deploy a field that heals you and your allies.

  • It can restore 35 points of health per and has a duration of 5 seconds

  • It can heal 175 points of your health with a range of a 4.5-meter radius

  • You can heal yourself in the middle of a battle, giving you the advantage of killing your enemies and remaining alive.

  • You can also use this ability on your teammates having trouble with enemies.

  • With this ability, Soldier 76 becomes the self-sufficient damage hero in Overwatch 2

Helix Rockets:
  • Launch a volley of explosive rockets.

  • The pulse rifle has a secondary fire mode that shoots rockets.

  • They have a travel speed of 4 meters per second and can destroy anything within the range of a three-meter radius.

  • It has a cooldown of 6 seconds.

  • If any enemy is in the blast radius will be taking 40 to 80 damage and 100 to 120 damage by directly hitting the rocket to your enemy.

  • You can be killed if you shoot your helix rockets too close to yourself.

  • You can use this ability to do a rocket jump by shooting it on the ground when you are about to jump to the higher ledge.

  • It helps to jump to higher locations.

  • You can use it to kill fast enemies by shooting them on the floor near their feet, giving them enough damage and kill them with normal shots.


Tactical Visor:
  • Automatically aims your weapon at target in view.

  • This ability gives you superhuman vision.

  • This ability keeps your aim on your nearby enemy and does not need to aim at your enemy; it will do it for you.

  • With this ability, the reload time is like nothing.

  • When you use this ability, there is nothing like a falloff range. The shots will directly hit your targets.

  • You can use this ultimate ability for just 6 seconds.

  • While using this ability, you can be headshot, so be careful with that.


  • Elimination grant a burst of increased moment and reload speed.

  • When you kill your enemy, you will gain extra movement speed.

  • It also decrease your reload speed and gives you more advantage to kill more enemies.


  • When you shoot your enemy with the primary fire, there is a gradual upward drift as you continue to attack.

  • When you struggle to get a headshot on your enemies, try to aim for the chest first, so it will help you get a headshot.

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