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How to Dominate with Nyx Assassin in Dota 2 Patch 7.33

Writer's picture: RyoutaRyouta

Nyx Assassin is a powerful hero in the popular online multiplayer game Dota 2. He is better known as Anub'arak, and is a melee hero. His strengths lie in reconnaissance and assassinations. In this guide we will explain how to dominate with Nyx Assassin Dota 2 Patch 7.33.

He belongs to the new universal attribute and is primarily played as a roamer or a support hero. Nyx Assassin has a range of abilities. These enable him to disrupt team fights and ambush unsuspecting enemies. He can also give his team valuable vision and map control.

How to Dominate with Nyx Assassin in Dota 2 Patch 7.33

Nyx Assassin is a powerful hero. He can move quickly, start fights and counter enemy spellcasters. His skills can drastically change the outcome of a battle.

Nyx Assassin is primarily played as a ganker and a utility hero in Dota 2, rather than a carry. While he can deal significant damage with his abilities, he lacks the sustained damage output and scaling abilities of traditional carries that is why nyx can not be played as carry.

Nyx Assassin Update:

These are following updates of Nyx Assassin Dota 2 Patch 7.33.

  • Now belongs to the new universal attribute.

  • Impale now deals damage as soon as you cast on enemy instead on landing.

  • 2nd spell Mana burn is now being replaced by new spell Mind flare. Which deal enemy damage equals to multiplier of its intelligence. Moreover, deals damage equal to percent of damage enemy receives from Nyx in past 15 seconds. This makes mind flare OP after using ultimate Vendetta, impale and Dagon.

  • In Dota 2 Nyx Assassin Patch 7.33. They have removed 50% of the target's max mana on hit from his ultimate vendetta.

  • Heroes such as Nyx who have burst magic damage are good in Patch 7.33. This is due to the BKB (Black King Bar) nerf. Nyx is still able to deal magic damage, even if BKB is used.

  • After using ability Burrow it increases Mind Flare's cast range by 400.

Nyx Assassin Dota 2 Patch 7.33 Item Build:

Nyx Assassin Dota 2 Patch 7.33 guide or item build:

  • Arcane Boots:

Nyx Assassin heavily relies on his mana pool to cast his abilities. Arcane Boots provide increased mana regeneration and the ability to restore mana to yourself and nearby allies. It helps sustain your mana in the early and mid-game. Later you can also disassemble arcane boots into Aether lense

  • Dagon:

Dagon is a burst damage item that can amplify Nyx Assassin's ability to quickly eliminate key targets.

  • Blink Dagger:

Blink Dagger offers great mobility and positioning on Nyx Assassin. It allows you to quickly initiate or escape from dangerous situations. Blink Dagger is especially useful for surprise attacks and catching enemies off-guard.

  • Eul's Scepter of Divinity:

Eul's Scepter offers multiple benefits to Nyx Assassin. It provides increased movement speed, mana regeneration, and a cyclone ability. That can be used defensively to dispel debuffs or offensively to set up impales.

  • Ethereal Blade:

To deals burst damage and to escape.

  • Force Staff:

Force Staff is a situational item and can add value for Nyx. It allows you to reposition yourself or your teammates and provides an extra escape mechanism. Force Staff can save you from dangerous situations or help chase down fleeing enemies.

  • Aghanim's Scepter:

Aghanim's Scepter is a powerful item on Nyx Assassin. It grants nyx new ability Burrow. It significantly increases your initiation potential and utility in team fights.

  • Aeon Disk:

Aeon is also a situational item if they have a lot of lock down for Nyx Assassin. This include heroes like bounty hunter and Slardar which gives true sight of Nyx Assassin.

Tips To Play Nyx Assassin in Dota 2 patch 7.33

To play Nyx Assassin effectively, you need to focus on his abilities that requires practice, map awareness, and effective decision-making. Adapt your playstyle according to the game situation, prioritize objectives, and always communicate with your team.

Here are some tips to effectively play Nyx Assassin Dota 2 Patch 7.33.

  • Early game focus:

Nyx Assassin is a strong roamer and ganker in the early stages of the game. Prioritize obtaining experience and gold by participating in kills across the map. Coordinate with your teammates to set up kills and secure objectives.

  • Target Support and intelligence enemy heroes:

Nyx Assassin's Mind flare ability is particularly effective against support heroes. As deals damage equal to percent of damage enemy receives from Nyx in past 15 seconds. Prioritize targeting heroes with high intelligence attributes to maximize the impact of Mind flare damage equals to multiplier of its intelligence.

  • Communication and coordination:

Nyx Assassin's effectiveness increases when working in synergy with your team. Communicate with your teammates, especially when setting up ganks or starting team fights with heroes like Invoker, Hood wink and SnapFire. Coordinate your efforts to maximize the impact of your abilities and secure kills.

  • Utilize Spiked Carapace effectively:

Spiked Carapace is a powerful ability that can stun and damage enemies who target you with single-target spells and AOE spells. For example Black Hole, Mortimer Kisses, Freezing Field, Death Ward and any channeling spells even if its single target or AOE. Time your activation well to block and punish enemy aggression, turning the tide of fights in your favor.

  • Proper positioning:

Nyx Assassin thrives on his ability to initiate and catch enemies off-guard. Use Vendetta, your ultimate ability, to scout for vulnerable targets. Look for opportunities to strike from the shadows and unleash your burst damage to quickly eliminate key enemy heroes. Always go for enemy hero whom you can burst easily.

  • Vision control:

Nyx Assassin benefits greatly from vision control. Purchase Observer Wards, Sentry Wards, or Dust of Appearance to reveal invisible heroes or set up ganks. Placing wards in strategic locations will help you scout and find opportunities to strike.

Counters of Nyx Assassin:

The best counters for Nyx Assassin in Patch 7.33 are as following.

1. Slardar:

He can counter Nyx with his ultimate which gives true sight vision, reduces a lot of armor.

2. Bounty Hunter:

BH ultimate is similar to Slardar's ulti. However, Bounty Hunter's ultimate gives extra gold every time an enemy dies while being tracked. Furthermore, Bounty Hunter can track you, so you cannot show up on the map as much.

3. Abaddon:

Abaddon debuffs nyx's stun and can save his team mates against his burst damage.

4. Juggernaut

Juggernaut's abilities makes him immune to nyx's third spell Spiked Carapace, which makes it for him to easily deal with nyx assassin.

Lane Duos with Nyx Assassin:

Here are the best off lane heroes to Duo with nyx Assassin in patch 7.33. This will increase your synergy and possibility to win the lane.

Dark Seerk:

With Ion Shell nyx and dark seerk can dominate the lane. This is the best off lane duo combo. Nyx assassin can deal huge amount of damage with Ion shell.

  • Legion Commander:

Duel with Vendetta. Vendetta have ability to scout and let LC win the duel.

  • Centaur Warrunner:

Hoof stomp with impale and their ultimates Stampede and vendetta.

  • Mars:

Spear and impale Combo.

  • SnapFire:

Snapfire Cookie with impale.

  • Slarder:

Slithereen crush with impale.


To dominate with Nyx Assassin Dota 2 Patch 7.33 remember, the choice of items may vary depending on the game situation and your team's needs. Adapt your itemization accordingly and consider the strengths and weaknesses of both your team and the enemy team.

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