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5 Best Dota 2 Duos in Lane

Winning lane is so important for you to win the game. To snow ball the game it is necessary for you to win the lane and remember do not throw the lead in late game.

Let's get to the point! To win the lane you need best synergy heroes. So, we will discuss 5 best Duos in lane Dota 2. You may have seen some of these Duos in dota 2 majors played by professional dota 2 players.

5 Best Dota 2 Duos in Lane

These are hero combinations that are either just really good in the first 10 minutes or they have synergies that enables them to be good throughout the lane.

To get better in laning stage always pick heroes with good synergy and best combos.

let’s talk about the top duos so you can draft to increase the win rate in your solo matchmaking to grind MMR.

5. Tide hunter And Riki:

At number 5 we have selected Tide hunter and Riki as offlane duo in lane. Tundra Esports has also played this Duo recently in Lima major and dominated the lane.

Tide Hunter can become aggressive in lane with his first spell gush. Gush reduces the armor of enemy hero. Where as Riki does physicals damage. Which creates a good synergy with tide.

Combo explained:

Tide can gush the position 5 support enemy hero, Riki will blink strike on him and get a kill.

These Heroes bring the best out of each other. In most lanes Tide hunter's best case scenario is just free farming and getting complete solo XP. This can be done by maxing out his anchor smash and kraken shell, allowing him to do whatever he wants in lane.

After Tide hunter hits level 4 and gets ring of health he is pretty much un-killable. Riki and Tide hunter not only have synergy in laning stage but also in mid-game to late-game because Tide hunter takes the dangerous farm while Riki runs around and scouts things out.

For Riki it is important to have aghanim shard, so he can help in initiating the ganks with his sleep dart. You can also review Riki's full support guide here.

4. Nature Prophet And Treant Protector:

This deadly duo makes enemy lane hell. Even one of the best offlane hero undying can struggle in lane against Nature Prophet and Treant Protector.

Combo explained:

In lane Nature prophet buys blight stone and treant buys orb of venom. Treant protector can deal a lot of damage to enemy support hero. Which can lead Nature prophet to secure a kill.

This can be done with the help of treant protector's spells. First nature's grasp slows enemy down, leech seed heals him and damage enemy hero. In case Duo needs healing living armor provides healing and bonus armor. This makes easy for them to survive in lane.

To counter nature prophet, you need heroes like Tusk, Dawn breaker and broodmother. These heroes do physical damage. But with the help of treant protector countering nature prophet becomes difficult. Treant protector's living armor provides bonus armor to nature prophet and also his leech seed heals and damages enemy.

3. Spectre And Phoenix:

This Spectre and Phoenix lane revolves around the mango Spectre build and it’s very easy to understand. BSJ has also played and explained this build.

All you have to is buy six mangoes and you will get a lot of regeneration of health. Which is important to win the lane.

Combo explained:

They don’t have much kill potential but they can keep each other alive. Phoenix is one of the best defensive Supports. if enemies tries to go on Spectre, Phoenix fire spirit can slow their attack speed.

Phoenix is hard to kill lane as he can do Icarus dive out of the lane. Sun ray allows Spectre to sustain more in lane. They have deadly mid to late game combo while it is a theoretically very greedy lane you can get away with it pretty easily most of the time.

2. Visage And Undying:

Visage has one major weakness that he can not escape from enemy gank. Because of his low movement of speed and very low armor. To deal with that undying at 4th position can become his frontline tank support in laning stage.

Combo explained:

Soul Assumption on Visage is one of the best burst damage spell in the early levels. It has four seconds of cooldown, which deals 230 damage if you get three charges.

The big thing that makes this duo so strong is the Decay and Soul Assumption spell, soul assumption does a ton of damage and decay lowers their max HP that’s why you can easily burst enemy heroes.

If enemies try to gank on visage. Undying can cast tombstone which slows down enemy and visage can burst them with soul assumption. This makes difficult for opponent to gank them without dying.

1. Pudge And Crystal Maiden:

Crystal Maiden is known for her early level dominance in the lane. Honestly this goes for Pudge as well. This safe lane combo can increase the probability of winning the match.

Combo explained:

Meat Hook is one of the highest damage spell in early game. Specifically hook deals 150 pure damage. Which is insane for level 1 spell damage.

Obviously if you pair that with CM who has disable and nuke damage at level 2. Crystal Maiden's bite frost can help pudge to easily secure the hook, with pudge's rot slowing enemy down, finally with CM's crystal nova can secure kill.

As a CM all you need to do is spam mangoes and help pudge to get kills so he can get Flesh Heaps as much as possible. From early game to late game, this combo can work effectively.


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