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The Ultimate Apex Legends Pathfinder Guide for Beginners

Welcome to our The Ultimate Apex Legends Pathfinder Guide for Beginners! Pathfinder is a flexible and distinctive Legend with lots of potential for imaginative and thrilling gaming. In season 16, it also has the highest pick rate. He can easily navigate the map and take advantage of favorable spots for himself and his team because he is a talented and agile robot.

Pathfinder Apex Legends: Pathfinder Complete Guide.

We will take a deep dive into Pathfinder's skills, tactics, and strategies to help you master this Legend and beat the opposition. This guide will teach you all you need to know to understand Pathfinder, whether you're a beginner who wants to learn more about the game or a seasoned expert looking to step up your play.


  • Pathfinder is a Skimisher legend. Before this update Pathfinder was a recon legend.

  • Skirmisher legends can examine the highest-value goods within incoming Care Packages as they fall or are on the ground nearby. The objects can be pinned for the whole team, and those that other teams have taken will be indicated in grey.

  • Pathfinder can also be played as offensive and defensive.


  • Pathfinder, Octane, Wraith.

  • With this composition, you can join a fight or escape a fight easily.

Pathfinder Passive Ability:

Insider Knowledge:

  • Can scan care package to reduce the cooldown time by 10 seconds of ultimate ability.

  • Can also check the valuable items in the care package.

  • He can also mark the items and indicates teammates about them.

  • This is the best alternative to Ultimate Accelerant.


  • You can only scan 4 care packages.

  • Use your zipline gun at all times. Use Zipline Gun first because it will be fully charged after scanning a care package. For instance, you may easily go to the Care Package using it.

Pathfinder Tactical Ability:

Grappling Hook:

  • Grapple to get to an out-of-reach location.

  • Shoots a grappling hook that will grab onto the first notable thing it comes into contact with (including players and ziplines) and draw you in that direction.

  • If you are using the grappling and any new target comes between then the hook will be attached to the previous target.

  • The grappling hook has a range of only 21 meters and the crosshair of Pathfinder which always be the blue circle will show nothing if you aim at out of the range location.

  • Instead of being pushed straight in, you can swing by aiming to the side. After swinging to a 90° angle, the hook will release, and you'll keep moving forward.


  • You will feel a small forward thrust in the direction you are aiming when your hook makes contact with a surface.

  • When the grappling hook reaches the surface and you jump right after, you will gain some extra momentum.

  • While using the grappling hook and getting pulled you can shoot with your gun.

  • You can cancel it by clicking the crouch button but remember it will restart the cooldown which is 10-30 seconds.

  • When you use it it'll create a sound which can inform your opponents that you are near.

Pathfinder Ultimate Ability:

Zipline Gun:

  • With your ultimate, you can create a zipline from your live location to aimed location.

  • The other end of the Zipline can be placed on almost every surface but can't be placed on out-of-bound surfaces.

  • With this zipline, you can travel 3x faster than with a regular zipline allowing players to reach their destination more quickly.

  • You can only place 4 ziplines on the entire map.

  • You can use it to escape or ambush enemies.


  • Your enemies can also use them so be careful.

  • You can only travel a maximum of 200 meters with it.

  • You can also place it for your allies when they are in a sticky situation.

  • You can also use his passive ability to insider knowledge to recharge your ultimate.

Pathfinder Gameplay Tips:

  • You can scan survey beacons to check the next ring location.

  • You can use a grappling hook to grab the enemy who is running away from you.

  • If you are equipped with your weapon and you open the zipline your weapon will automatically go away.

  • You can use your grappling hook to transfer from one zipline to another.

Pathfinder Origin:

Despite his situation, Pathfinder symbolizes positivity. He booted up decades ago in an abandoned warehouse as an MRVN (Mobile Robotic Versatile eNtity) with a skill for location scouting and mapping, but he had no idea who had made him or why.

Pathfinder finally set off in quest of his creator with nothing more than his MRVN identification to indicate who he was. He discovered he was created by the best scientists in the Outlands to assist in resolving the energy problem with the help of the Legends.

Since then, Pathfinder has learnt a lot from his travels, including how to cook a mean Eastern Leviathan Stew, but his most significant finding is that some of his extra parts were utilised to create Pathfinder's child, a machine.

He originally signed up for the Apex Games in the hopes of gaining popularity and catching the eye of his creator, but now he wants to get the attention of anyone who could be aware of his child. He continues to be cheerful and helpful in the interim, constantly eager to meet new acquaintances (then shoot them).


We appreciate you reading this guide to playing Pathfinder in Apex Legends. We hope the advice and techniques offered. This guide has enhanced your playtime with this popular character. Although Pathfinder might be a difficult legend to learn, you can become a valuable part of any squad with time, effort, and a deep knowledge of his skills and playstyle.

Always remember to communicate with your allies, make use of their mobility, and keep an eye out for opportunities to surprise and flank your adversaries. If you have any thoughts about Pathfinder let us know in the comments section below.

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